Food Cuisine

The Best Of Favourable Classic Rice Kheer Recipe 2024


Classic Rice Kheer Recipe is deeply in love with rice kheer, a classic South Asian delicacy. This aromatic, creamy rice, milk, and sugar pudding is frequently scented with cardamom and topped with almonds and dried fruits. Rice kheer is more than simply a dessert; it's a sign of hospitality and joy, often offered at festivals, weddings, and special family get-togethers. Try your own twist on the flavors and garnishes to make it uniquely yours, and enjoy this tasty treat with loved ones. A little bit of history, a hint of custom, and an abundance of affection may be found in every spoonful of rice kheer


Classic Rice Kheer Recipe 2024

Ingredients for Classic Rice Kheer

The beauty of rice kheer lies in its simplicity. Here’s what you need to make this classic dessert:

  • 1 cup basmati rice: Basmati rice is preferred for its fragrant aroma and long grains, which hold up well during cooking.

  • 1 liter of whole milk: Full-fat milk is essential for achieving the creamy texture that defines good kheer.

  • 1 cup sugar: Adjust the sweetness to your taste.

  • 1/4 teaspoon cardamom powder: adds a distinctive aroma and flavor.

  • 2 tablespoons chopped almonds: for garnishing and adding texture.

  • 2 tablespoons chopped pistachios: for garnishing and a touch of color.

  • 1 tablespoon raisins: Optional, but they add a delightful burst of sweetness.

  • 1/4 cup optional condensed milk might add extra richness.

  • A pinch of saffron is optional for a beautiful color and exotic flavor.

Favourable Classic Rice Kheer Recipe 2024

Step-by-Step Recipe for Classic Rice Kheer


  1. Rinse and Soak the Rice: Rinse the rice under cold water until the water runs clear. This step removes excess starch, preventing the kheer from becoming too thick. After soaking the rice for around half an hour, strain it.

Cooking the Kheer

  1. Boil the Milk: In a heavy-bottomed pot, bring the milk to a boil.Make sure the saucepan has a sturdy bottom to avoid burning the milk.

  2. Add the Rice: Add the drained rice to the boiling milk.  Reduce the heat to a simmer.

  3. Simmer and Stir: Cook the rice in the milk over low heat, stirring frequently to prevent the rice from sticking to the bottom. This process can take 40–50 minutes. The key is to cook the rice until it is very soft and the milk has thickened considerably.

  4. Add Sugar and Flavorings: Stir in the sugar and cardamom powder. If using, also add the condensed milk at this stage. Continue to cook for another 10 minutes, allowing the flavors to meld and the kheer to thicken further.

  5. Incorporate Nuts and Raisins: Add the chopped almonds, pistachios, and raisins. Cook for an additional 5 minutes to allow the nuts to soften slightly and the flavors to blend.

  6. Add Saffron: If using saffron, soak the strands in a tablespoon of warm milk and add them to the kheer. This step gives the kheer a beautiful golden hue and an exotic flavor.

Final Touches

  1. Cool and Serve: Remove the kheer from the heat and let it cool. You may serve rice kheer warm or cold, according to your inclination. As it cools, it will continue to thicken, so keep that in mind when deciding on the consistency.

  2. Garnish: Before serving, garnish with additional chopped nuts and a few strands of saffron for an elegant presentation.


Traditional rice kheer is a celebration of simplicity and tradition, not merely a dessert. It is a favorite meal in Pakistani homes and beyond due to its flavorful and thick texture. Rice kheer, whether it is consumed as a soothing delicacy or presented at a joyful event, is a symbol of Pakistani warmth and friendliness.

Classic Rice Kheer Recipe 2024


What is Rice Kheer?

Rice Kheer is a traditional Indian dessert made with rice, milk, and sugar, often flavored with cardamom, and garnished with nuts and dried fruits.

What type of rice is best for Kheer?

Basmati rice is preferred for its fragrance and texture, but other short-grain varieties can also be used.

Can Rice Kheer be made with brown rice?

Yes, Rice Kheer can be made with brown rice, but it will have a nuttier flavor and a chewier texture. Cooking time will also be longer.

How do you thicken Rice Kheer?

Rice Kheer thickens naturally as the rice cooks and releases starch. To thicken it further, you can cook it longer or add a bit of condensed milk or khoya (dried milk solids).

How do I store Rice Kheer?

Store Rice Kheer in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3-4 days. It can be warmed up or served cold.

Can I freeze Rice Kheer?

Yes, Rice Kheer can be frozen for up to a month. Thaw it in the refrigerator overnight and reheat gently on the stove or microwave, adding a bit of milk if needed to restore the consistency.


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